Projects to be Funded

Security upgrades in main entry of Hofstetter, Fort Colville, Junior High and High School

Updating heating, ventilation, and adding air conditioning to Hofstetter and Fort Colville Schools

General security upgrades including a district wide radio system

Upgrade and replace one-to-one technology devices

Upgrade and replace playgrounds at Hofstetter and Fort Colville Schools

All Estimates Completed by NAC Architecture and Apollo Solutions Group


Estimated Cost

Main entry security upgrades


HVAC Hofstetter


HVAC Fort Colville


Radio system


Laptops for each student


Upgrade playgrounds at Hofstetter and Fort Colville


Achieve academic excellence, build strong character, create pathways to success in a safe, caring environment… for all students.


   Our Mission

Project Timeline


Aster School was built


Hofstetter School was built


Colville Junior High School was built


Fort Colville was built


High School was built


Long-Range Facilities Committee was formed, upon request of the Colville School Board

February 13, 2023


Facilities Committee Findings

The committee, made up of community and parent volunteers, school board members, maintenance director, school administrators and the superintendent:

  • toured the aging facilities

  • met with an architect from NAC Architecture

  • met with a school funding expert from DA Davidson

While the committee determined Colville School District Maintenance Department has done a great job, there were certain projects that needed to be addressed, with the most recent upgrades to school buildings being completed in 1993 - 30 years ago.

The committee built a list of needs per building, and sent a survey to parents, which was posted to the district's website, as well. The result of the survey indicated a list of issues that could be broken down by cost and priority.

Upon determining that no consistent funding source exists for such needs in the state of Washington, the committee recommended the district run a Safety, Security, and Technology Capital Projects Levy.

While Colville School District will continue to search for grants, it is necessary to start chipping away at some of the needs of our aging buildings to ensure student safety and learning.

Why do we need a Capital Levy?

Colville Schools were built before school safety and security concerns were considered for building standards.

The Capital Projects Levy will focus on projects that are necessary to keep our students safe, provide students with essential technology, and provide critical upkeep..

Election Facts

  • Levies require a 50% simple majority to pass.

  • Colville School District can only collect the total levy amount approved by voters, regardless if assessed values increase.

  • Qualifying Senior Citizens, Disabled Persons and 100% of Disabled Veterans may be exempt from paying for school levies.

How much will it cost?

In 2022, the Colville community approved a 4-year EP&O levy at a rate of $1.61 per thousand dollars.* This
year, 2024, the Colville School District is running a Capital Levy of $1.00 per thousand dollars for a 4-year time period. This means that for a $250,000 valued home, your increased cost would be $20.83 per month or $250 per year.

*The previously passed EP&O Levy rate will continue to be assessed.

Collection Year

Capital Levy Rate Per Thousand

Levy Amount












