Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is a framework for enhancing the adoption and implementation of a continuum of evidence-based practices to achieve important outcomes for every student. The MTSS framework builds on a public health approach that is preventative and focuses on organizing the efforts of adults within systems to be more efficient and effective. MTSS helps to ensure students benefit from nurturing environments and equitable access to universal instruction and supports that are culturally and linguistically responsive, universally designed, and differentiated to meet their unique needs.
To ensure every student has equitable access to the instruction and supports they need to thrive, district and school teams:
Identify and address biases and systemic barriers that drive inequitable access and disparate outcomes for Black, Indigenous, and students of color, students experiencing poverty, students receiving special education or English learner services, students who identify as LGBTQ+, and highly mobile student populations.
Collaborate with students, families, and community partners to leverage the unique cultural and linguistic assets of their communities in order to provide every student an inclusive and responsive learning environment.
Deliver comprehensive supports that consistently meet every student’s needs and accelerate student academic, social, emotional, and behavioral learning.
MTSS consists of essential components which enable teams to work together to adapt instruction and supports to varied student needs. The essential components of MTSS are interrelated, and as the intensity of student need increases, each of the components also increases in intensity. Staff use evidence-based practices to accelerate student learning across all tiers. You can take a deeper dive into these essential components by looking through the MTSS resource page. Additionally, the MTSS Guidance document provides a full outline of the five components of Washington MTSS shown on the graphic below.