Colville Junior High School had an amazing turnout for the community back to school night. Thank you to all the community vendors, CJHS staff, students, and families for making th...
If you saw the Colville Police Department at any of the Colville School District Schools yesterday, they were working together with the Colville School District Security Director ...
NOTICE REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING COLVILLE SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS There will be a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Colville School District on Wednesday,... The training will be recorded if you are unable to attend. District Office Board Rm August 12, 1PM Learn how to effectively us...
On Monday, July 8 the Colville School District Nutrition Services team sponsored our second summer meal box pick up. After making some adjustment from the first pick up procedure...
A USDA Grant has allowed Colville School District to purchase refrigeration units for Fort Colville and Hofstetter Schools. This will allow Colville School District to continue...
It is with great excitement that I announce our Nutrition Services Team received not one, but three recognition awards from the USDA and Action for Healthy Kids. The awards we rec...
Colville High School Graduation week begins June 3rd and concludes with graduation on June 8th. A list of the dates and times of activities are listed below. Monday, June 3 S...
Yesterday was CHS's first annual Showcase Assembly! The CTE (Career & Technical Education), Fine Arts, and Foreign Language classes and students got to show off their skills as w...
Vaagen Brothers Lumber has teamed up with Colville School District to provide more ball fields for Colville kids. This new ball field is located at Fort Colville School.
Every concern deserves attention. Not sure where to get help? HearMeWA provides support if you, a friend, or classmate are going through a tough time. If you have a concern, we wan...
Records not claimed prior to June 30, 2024, will be destroyed. The district will maintain an electronic record of the student’s name, birthdate, and the date of file destructi...
Colville School District will be hosting a Free Summer Meals Program. Please go to the Nutrition Services Link on the Colville School District website to register.
The Hofstetter School second graders who had “graduated” from the Read Well second grade curriculum were recognized at the Regular Colville School Board meeting on April 24th. Pi...