We would like to remind families that due to the snow make-up day, Friday, June 9th will be a full day of school and the new last day of school, Monday, June 12th will be an early release day. On June 12th, schools will release three and a half hours earlier than normal. If your student rides an afternoon bus, the drop off time for your student will be three and a half hours earlier than normal as well. If you have any questions, please contact your student’s school office. Thank you!

Congrats to Nijal Evje and Skyler Patrick for completing an internship in IT (Information Technology) with NEWHealth Colville. Nijal and Skyler worked on an IT team that installed all computers and network infrastructure for NEWHealth's brand new Colville Medical Clinic. NEWHealth's IT Director raved about the two CHS students and their ability to work quickly, intelligently, and independently.

The Colville School District uses an online format to collect important information for students each school year. This is a yearly-required process and is open now. Guardians need to log into Skyward and complete this process as soon as possible. You may use your student’s school issued device for this purpose. If you have questions or you need assistance, please contact your students’ school office. Thank you!

Today, April 12, 2023, at approximately 10:56 AM many schools throughout Washington received a bomb threat email. Colville School District received this email. At no time did we believe that students or staff were in jeopardy. Our district security director was immediately in contact with other security directors throughout the state. We notified dispatch and had the building administration check their facilities. At this time it is believed to be a hoax. We take every situation seriously and our student and staff safety is paramount. Please contact our District Office at 509-684-7850 if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you!

The Colville School District will be having Parent-Teacher Conferences on Monday, March 27th. This is a no school day for students. If you have questions or need to schedule a conference, please call your student's school office. Thank you!

You won't want to miss your chance to see the CHS Drama Club's presentation of the "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" this Friday at 7:00pm, Saturday at 7:00pm, and Sunday at 2:00pm! Tickets are $5 at the door!

SNOW MAKE-UP DAY: School was canceled on November 30th due to inclement weather. This year, make-up days will be added to the end of the year, which makes June 12th our new last day of school, and is an early release day. June 9th, the original last day, will be a full day. Presidents’ Day weekend remains a four day weekend with no school from this Friday, February 17th through Monday February 20th. If you have any questions, please call your student’s school office.
The Colville School District would like to apologize for the late notice regarding the makeup day for the snow cancellation. The February 17th day could not be used due to a conflict between staff calendars. In the future, all school cancellation days will be clearly marked on the district calendar and communicated clearly with parents as soon as possible after the school cancellation.

Colville High School's Medical Assistance Program was interviewed by KHQ TV. Here is the link highlighting the STEM program. https://youtu.be/0g6dn2CmKkw

The Colville School District will be having Parent-Teacher Conferences on Monday, January 23rd. This is a no school day for students. If you have questions or need to schedule a conference, please call your student's school office. Thank you!

Omak has canceled tomorrow's home basketball games due to anticipated inclement weather and hazardous road conditions. Boys and girls basketball will have practice instead. Girls practice from 8:00 to 10:45 in the morning and boys will practice from 3:00 to 5:30 in the afternoon.

Please remember that there is no school from Monday, December 19th through Monday, January 2nd. We hope everybody enjoys a restful and safe holiday season. We will see everybody back at school on Tuesday, January 3, 2023.

CJHS Raptor First LEGO Team makes it to state!
On December 10th, the Colville Junior High School Raptor FIRST LEGO team competed at Freeman Middle School in the FIRST LEGO League Challenge competition. The students competing were: Cruz Bateman, Zack Bateman, Zac Harper, and Jack Shaw. Over the last couple of months, the team designed and built their robot, coded it to solve the FIRST LEGO League challenges, and created an innovative solution to help with local renewable energy. At the competition, they presented their robot and innovative solution to a panel of judges. They also competed in the robot competition. They did a great job and have earned their seat at the upcoming state competition. Great job CJHS Raptors!

The Colville High School Choir and Santa Claus visited the Pre School at Aster School on Monday, December 12.

Colville Schools will be on a two hour late start today, Friday December 9. Please be advised that all school transportation will arrive two hours later than their normal times. Please contact your student’s school directly with questions. Remember to stay safe!

Hofstetter School hosted Cookies and Books Family Engagement Night on Tuesday December 6th. It was a huge success with over 300 people in attendance.

We are excited to announce our Cookies and Books Hofstetter Family Engagement Night will be Tuesday, December 6 at 4:30-6:00 pm. It will be an evening of fun, snacks and learning. Every family will go home with a reading kit including activities and materials.

UPDATE: The Colville School District will be closed today, 11/30/2022, due to inclement weather and hazardous road conditions. Please contact your student’s school directly with questions. Stay safe!

Colville Schools will be on a two hour late start today. Please be advised that all school transportation will arrive two hours later than their normal times. Please contact your student’s school directly with questions. Remember to stay safe!

Please remember that there is no school Wednesday, Thursday or Friday this week. We hope everybody is able to enjoy a restful holiday weekend. We will see everybody back at school on Monday, November 28.

Colville School District to Hire A School Security Director
The goal of this position is to provide the safest possible environment for staff and students at Colville School District. This employee's assignments will range from the implementation of safety and security measures to providing direct building security. The Security Director will also work in collaboration with personnel from Border Patrol, Colville Police Department, Stevens County Sheriff’s Department and other outside first responder agencies to prepare in the event of a school emergency. We are seeking a candidate who not only brings deep expertise in security and operational experience, but truly enjoys working with people, serving others, and seeing kids succeed.